How I Work

"Approaches and techniques To Help You Achieve Empowerment"

As I trained at the Anglo European college of hypnotherapy any techniques used with you are evidence based and this will range from Hypnotherapy, NLP or CBT. Once we have decided which type of therapy or intervention has the best possible chance of a successful outcome you can be assured that it is supported with evidence of its efficacy in treating your presenting issue.

We always start with an initial assessment where I gain an insight into how you do your problem. This will also include some relevant skills you can start applying to your life straight away and to practice before we meet again.

From this initial assessment I will then write a pathway to achieving your goal. Depending on your presenting problem and level of engagement from yourself we will usually have the work done within 3-4 follow up sessions.

All our time together is led and controlled by you. I am there to support and facilitate the beginning of a pathway to empowerment. Once you have made this start you can then enjoy the benefits of travelling your own pathway to its full conclusion. Additionally, I will equip you with techniques and skills you can use to support the work we have done together, into your new future.

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