While at home, just chilling, I noticed a glass on the coffee table and the old saying of “Is the glass half full or half empty” came to mind. It seems to me from the clients I work with and people I meet that a way of life can sometimes be formed from how you see a glass of water.
So, with this in mind I focused my attention on the glass to see if I had any leanings to what I saw, half full or half empty. After a few moments, my conclusion was that I saw a glass with some water in it….
Often, we can become entrenched in one way of thinking and even though how you see a glass of water is simplistic, it does give a good example of what I mean. If you take this to another level it could translate too, only bad things happen to me or I am not confident enough to do something. If we apply a different way of thinking to those statements, it could go something like this. Maybe good things do happen to me, but I just do not notice. With the other one, how do you know you are not confident enough if you do not give it a try.
If your emotional way of life is not how you want it to be now, try and look at the glass of water differently. See it for what you actually see, not how you would normally….This will begin a process of self-empowerment which will feed in other aspects of your life if you allow them.